Patrick Hudson MD is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Fellow of the National Anger Management Association. He is also a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and a Board Certified Coach. In addition to his medical degrees, he has advanced degrees in Mental Health Counseling, Medical Ethics and Liberal Arts. Dr. Hudson is an anger management specialist certified by the NAMA and is available for coaching and education. He specializes in individual anger management and emotional intelligence coaching for physicians and surgeons.

Intensive Coaching for Anger
Coaching for Physicians can schedule appointments for Intensive Marathon Coaching for anger management at Dr. Hudson’s uptown office location in Albuquerque or his farm in south Santa Fe county. For an additional fee and expenses, Dr. Hudson will come to you and provide one-on-one, confidential intensive coaching in your home, office or other location. This is NOT group work. In intensive marathon coaching individuals meet one-on-one with Dr. Hudson for 5 hours a day and for one or two consecutive days and stay overnight at a nearby hotel or bed and breakfast (we can help you make arrangements).Each individual has a unique schedule that is worked out in advance. Marathon coaching can teach the skills needed to reduce angry outbursts, manage the frustrations of modern medicine and improve the communication skills needed to work in a healthcare team.
Marathon coaching is especially useful for physician or surgeon clients who cannot attend weekly coaching sessions and need to travel from distant locations. It provides a brief, intensive and focused approach to your coaching issues and is designed to help you learn new skills in less time.Anger is a normal emotion but when poorly managed can cause chaos in the medical workplace. It is widely recognized that patient safety and quality of care depend on good communication and teamwork. There is an increasing need for services to help doctors, and other health care workers, manage anger appropriately and communicate well. Dr. Hudson is a Fellow of the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) and an anger management specialist certified by NAMA.
By the end of this marathon coaching session, participants should be able to:
• Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight or flight theory
• Understand how the personality of physicians and medical training can contribute to anger
• Be aware of the legal, ethical and medical consequences of unmanaged anger
• Recognize early signs of anger buildup and reading anger warning signs
• Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger
• Know techniques to control anger, particularly using coping thoughts, mindfulness and relaxation
• Set boundaries and communicate needs
• Know the difference between a boundary and an expectation
• Improve communication and express a feeling or position using I-messages.
• Understand how to identifying the problem
• Understand the role of emotional intelligence and empathy
• Know skills for constructive disagreement, including effective negotiation and solution-building
• Understand how to deal with unrealistic expectations
… and much more