Coaching for Physicians

...specialized coaching for physicians


Individual Coaching: Our programs are designed exclusively for physicians who are otherwise high functioning and need to achieve their personal or professional goals. Coaching for Physicians is the leader in specialized coaching for individual physicians and healthcare organizations. Dr. Hudson provides a confidential and supportive approach for physicians.

Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills: Over the last few years coaches have come to understand that when it comes to happiness and success, emotionalintelligence (EQ) matters as much as intellectual ability (IQ). If you want to build stronger relationshipsor succeed at work, then higher emotional intelligence usually helps. Highly successful people who achieve their career and personal goals are more likely to have a high EQ than a high IQ.

Team Building and Physician Leadership: as a trained and authorized Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Provider, Dr. Hudson is equipped to help individual physicians and organizations develop the skills needed to lead healthcare teams. The survival of the medical profession as we know it, requires the development of leadership skills notonly for physician executives but for all physicians. Most non-physicians in healthcare and the public, think of doctors as the leader of the healthcare team. This is rapidly changing and physicians can choose to develop these skillsand lead, or someone else will and lead them.

Burnout: Physician burnout and stress reduction is an area where coaching is especially useful. Burnout is a term that usually refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work but should not be seen as a work problem alone. Indeed it can occur in the home situation andbe destructive to relationships. While doctor burnout was assumed to result from chronic occupational stress, there is evidence that it also related to our personal life-style.

Anger Management & Disruptive Physician Coaching: Not all angry doctors are disruptive physicians. It is a label used by others to describe a doctor’s behavior. If you, or a loved one, has started to develop issues with anger it is wise to seek help with an anger management coach before this label is applied to you. In other words, it is best for you to get anger management training before someone else, like an administrator, disciplinary board or judge, mandate it for you.

Malpractice Support: Litigation is a common cause of emotional distress for doctors.Medical malpracticelitigation takes a toll on physicians and their families. After a lawsuit most doctors feel angry and irritable. Coaching for Physicians can support you through these times and help you define your goals for the future.

Marriage Coaching: Manycouples find themselves in a marriage that is less than satisfying but want to preserve and improve the marriage for their own sake as wellas children. In a situation like this marriage coaching is often helpful. Coaching assumes you are already doing some things well and just want to do better. The aim is to maximize performance and get the most out of your marriage. e.

Personal Life Coaching & Transitions: At some point, most physicians questionthe direction of their life and wonderabout their meaning and purpose. At thesetimes existential life coaching is an excellent method of self examination. Its aim is greater self understanding not just in the coaching session but in life in general.

Time Management and Procrastination:Procrastination is likely the number one trait that makes physicians less productive and successful. Many get bogged down, endlessly putting off what they needto do to make their practice more successful. This impacts the quality of their patient care, their relationships and life in general.

Career Change and Retirement: The average retirement age today is 62 and every day 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the age of 65. One recent survey suggested that more than half of physicians may consider retiring from medicine within next 3 years. Some physicians are ill prepared for the changes that occur after retirement. They are usually in good health and can anticipate living longer lives and it is possible will spend more time in retirement than in their working life. Most are looking for ways to achieve and live their retirement dreams and view retirement notas an ending, but as a transition to anew and exciting phase of life.

Conflict Resolution: Dr. Hudson is a trained mental health counselor and a Fellow of the National Anger Management Association. When coupled with his lifetime of experience as a physician these skills make him uniquely qualified to help you resolve conflicts in the medical workplace.

Executive coaching:Executive Coaching for physicians is concerned with performance, development and fulfillment at work, whether in the office or hospital. Executive coaching often involves organizations as well as individuals and can improve the functioning of teams andwhole organizations. When you need to advance your career in medical leadership, executive coaching is a useful tool.

REFERENCES & COMMENTS: “I would like to write a strong letter of recommendation for the coaching I have received from Dr. Patrick Hudson…As a surgeon whois clinically busy and also involved in medical group/hospital leadership, I realized that having acoach is very important for developing “the soft skills” one needs to be successful inthese roles. I have never had any training in these skills and finding a coach like Patrick was fabulous. Dr. Hudson has been a great resource to me and his wealth of knowledge is second to none. Our sessions have been spot on and he has provided me crucial information and readings that have shaped my leadership skills. He has become a great part of my career growth and comfort with my planning…As a surgical specialist, Dr. Hudson’s availability, communication and professionalism match my expectations of a coach. He isa great communicator and fabulous listener who has a great knowledge about the medical challenges…leaders face…I highly recommend Dr. Hudson as a coach for physicians without any hesitation.He is truly gifted in his knowledge and skills and will be a great resource to any physician leaderor clinical doctor looking to expand their skills.” Vascular Surgeon/California