
Coaching for Physicians can talk with you anywhere and almost anytime using Zoom.
We can schedule appointments for Intensive Marathon coaching at Dr. Hudson’s farm in south Santa Fe county. For an additional fee and expenses, Dr. Hudson can also come to you and provide one-on-one, confidential marathon coaching intensives in your home, office or other location. Intensive marathon coaching is an immersive experience in which individuals meet one-on-one with Dr. Hudson for 5 hours a day and for 1-3 consecutive days and stay overnight at a nearby hotel or bed and breakfast (we can help you make arrangements).
If you do not mind a 60 minute drive and prefer to stay in historic Santa Fe let us know and we can help you find a suitable location and explore the area.
Each individual, or couple, has a unique schedule that is worked out in advance. These sessions are one-on-one and exclusively for physicians. Intensive marathon coaching is especially useful for physician clients who cannot attend weekly coaching sessions and need to travel from distant locations. It provides a brief, intensive and focused approach to your coaching issues and is designed to help you learn new skills in less time. Follow up sessions are provided at the regular rates for telephone or in person coaching. This immersive experience is the quickest way to make changes and get up to speed on important soft skills concepts.
REFERENCES & COMMENTS: "I would highly recommend this intense counseling day marathon with the follow-up phone conversations to any open minded physician who wants to adapt to medical practice of the 21st century.” Urologist/Minnesota
We offer marathon sessions for:
- Anger management and disruptive physicians
- Social and Emotional Intelligence forPhysicians
- Avoiding and Managing Burnout for Physicians and Surgeons
- Making a Medical Marriage Work
- Time Management for Physicians
- Communication and people skills
- and many other topics
We can tailor any marathon intensive for your needs. We also offer coaching interventions for high value physicians & surgeons. It is not uncommon for hospitals, medical groups or societies to have an urgent issue with a valuable physician, or surgeon, who is a high earner but having difficulties with peers, staff, medical boards or other authorities. The loss of such an individual is costly and replacement, including lost earnings, may well reach over a million dollars. It is even more expensive when the high costs of litigation are included. This immersive experience is the quickest way to make changes and getup to speed on important interpersonal soft skills concepts. We prove troubleshooting interventions and confidential coaching for high value physicians and surgeons, on-site or by Zoom, nationwide.